Nursing Home Injury Lawyers
in St. Pete & Pinellas Park, FL
Injured in a nursing home
If you have a loved one in a nursing home, your main concerns are likely their safety and well-being. Although a care facility should be the safest place for them, in many cases that is unfortunately not true and residents find themselves subject to some form of abuse. Those with reduced mobility or communication ability are particularly vulnerable because they are heavily dependent on others for care and often cannot escape the abuser.
How do injuries occur?
Elder abuse occurs when a caregiver or another person harms a vulnerable adult. Some abusers intentionally place the victim at risk while others negligently do so. Not only can staff at a nursing home be perpetrators, but fellow residents can as well. Financial abuse is in this category, it occurs where the perpetrator is obtaining funds from the elderly or vulnerable adult by threats, coercion, or simply taking them without consent.
Neglect occurs if there is a failure to provide necessary goods and services to a resident. This commonly is seen where staff fail to assist with eating and drinking, walking, activity participation, getting the patient a shower or to the restroom.
These incidents frequently go unreported when victims cannot do so, are unaware, or fear getting themselves or the abuser into trouble. Further, staff may be overworked, insufficiently trained, or understaffed such that they cannot recognize the signs.
What type of claim can be made?
Nursing homes are held to a high standard of care and the residents themselves or someone acting on their behalf can file a claim. Typical claims are: physical, sexual, verbal, and financial abuse. In addition to neglect, false imprisonment, and financial exploitation. Negligence may apply as well if there was a failure to keep the premises safe, lacking supervision, uncleanliness, poor medical care, or negligent hiring.
After suffering abuse of neglect at the hands of a nursing home, the victim can pursue a claim to receive compensation for their medical bills (past and future) and pain and suffering.
The laws concerning nursing home abuse and neglect are complex, however the experienced attorneys of Oldham & Delcamp are prepared to handle your claim. We will guide you through the process of seeking damages for the trauma you or your loved one have suffered.
About Oldham & Delcamp
We understand the physical, financial, and emotional toll a car accident places on your life. Our legal team treats all clients with the respect and compassion they deserve. We stay in communication with you throughout the process so you are never wondering about the status of your case.
When another driver chooses to text and drive, drink and drive or runs a red light, their impact on your life is disastrous. No one should pay out-of-pocket for medical expenses resulting from an accident that was no fault of your own.
Sadly, many auto accidents result in a fatality. If you’ve lost a loved one due to the negligence of another driver, you may be entitled to a wrongful death claim. While it doesn’t replace your loved one, it may protect your family’s financial future.
Call the office of Oldham and Delcamp Trial Attorneys today at 727-201-5458 to schedule a free consultation or visit us online. Oldham and Delcamp serve Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee, Citrus, Hernando Lake, and Marion Counties.
Don’t delay—the sooner we review your case, the sooner we can decide upon the best course of action for you. Time is of the essence due to the Florida statute of limitation for filing your case. Fight for the justice you deserve by contacting us as soon as possible. We can help as your slip and fall lawyer, DUI law and auto accident attorney as well as rear-end accidents attorney, trucking accidents attorney and premises liability lawyer. We can also help as your wrongful death attorney, assault and battery lawyer, and criminal theft attorney.